the story of me: all about traitor.

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18:24 | 2 Cloud(s)
all about traitor.

the story begins,
ada seorang pengguna acc Fb also schoolmate menceritakan kisah ini.
kisah ini menceritakan tentang american football or rugby.
its about my new school too!
kata nyer ada traitor.
pity them.
boooooo pada thats guy.
sanggup orang tuhh betrayer! 
although,kamuhh tuhh ex-that's school, please ye jangan mengkhianatinyer !
tak apa.tak apa maybe tak ada rezeki lha
i object to act betraying ! hate sangat.
tak elok betraying nihh. dalam apa jua puunss
btw, congrates pemain rugby smktg
memang awesome semua!
this story sepenuhnya
di-storykan oleh @azim.
thanks to him. be a good guys okay!
he so kind too.thanks for being my friend.i appreciate with everything you did
i always support you whenever,wherever and whatever.
its nothing over special at me
hope your big dream will comes true!
*love yahh

#although,nihh sekolah baru yang macam.macam karenah im proud of student in smktg

simpson syndrome!

next topic in my blog.


Blogger HS said...

salam..nice blog..follow mine ^_^

Blogger sayha said...

w'salam. thanks. ill visit your blog

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