the story of me: let me act like a girl 乂◕‿◕乂

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17:53 | 0 Cloud(s)
let me act like a girl 乂◕‿◕乂

IN THE NAME OF ALLAH THE MOST BENEFICENT AND MERCIFUL. Time passes quickly and i dont believe that i'm seventeen now. count the days. :'( there are many memories that i have  experienced throughout 2012. from bad to good. how about you guys? i cant be perfect but i try harder to be perfect. i do a lot of offense to you all. meanwhile, my relationship with Allah. i done a lot of sins and i can only pray for forgiveness. therefore we as humans should forgive each other. ohh, tell me how to make it right?! haha, ok stop ! nak share some of my story. awch~ last week, ibu kesayangan saya masuk hospital. you know how sad i am at the moment ? saya dah tak fikir apa except berdoa. fortunately, allah mempermudahkan urusan. ibu saya hanya semalaman di hospital. itu pun, dia sigh tak cukup tidur. pity her.

this our queen ♕

》her story begins, she had a fever and a bad cough for more than a week. habis ubat batuk dah ditelannya. so, she decided to see a doctor for a second time. you whats happened? dapat pulakk doktor yang cerewet. tidak mengapa lha, tugas doktor. he's not satisfied sebab high blood pressure. after that, dia hantar ibu ke hospital tengku ampuan rahimah,klang. firstly, ingatkan cuma check → ambik ubat → balik, dengan suka hati nya masih bergembira. suddenly. dia gelodah segala penyakit yang ada. various diseases suspected. afterward, dia tahan ibu kat wad for days. Alhamdulillah, bukan seperti yang dijangka dan diminta doktor, ibu kembali sihat dan stay disana cuma hanya semalaman. i'm thakful to ALLAH. 

》another story, i wonder why many people are chasing popularity? sikit.sikat keluar dari mulut teens malaysia 'HOT' can anybody describe about that word? creepy ohh !!! sampaikan ada someone nihh, sanggup ambil gambar orang lain then upload buat bagaikan itu dirinya. WOWWW! semata.mata nak dapat attention orang lain. you're just embarrassing yourself. gelak terbahak melihat nya. malah, bertambah pula sikapnya yang konon.konon tahu everything but hanya TIN KOSONG. kenapa mseti belagak? why not you just believe yourself? jangan tipu diri sendiri kerana ia memakan diri. you're really special on your own way , dont be others! sometimes, tiba orang yang seperti ini nak judge orang. WTF !
really tak faham dengan golongan sebegini. seriously mereka belagak serba tahu. furthermore, mereka suka show off kan diri mereka dan berharap pujian orang.lebih teruk lagi, suka buat sesuatu untuk perhatian. aku mendengarnya pun penat. what goes in her mind? please you can't do that kawan. very sad ! nothing special kalau jadi orang lain. kita ada kelemahan dan cuba perbaikinya bukan menipu. apa yang ada pada kita ialah kurniaan be grateful. orang sekeliling akan sokong apa yang terbaik untuk kamu. enjoy your life.


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