the story of me: mid year exam fever

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22:27 | 1 Cloud(s)
mid year exam fever

hello!, mid year examination around the corner. im so scared. awch~~ what must i do? study all night! SPM format ohh! im not ready yet. need plenty of exercises. i wanna shoot my head. i feel lazy to revise any lessons.but, i want agreat results. im so sad with the poor result on test one.
im a pure science student. chemist,bio,physics and add math so suckss~~ total sucker of add math is not a bad thing.hemmm,

results test one :P macam haram.
dont laugh at me. i try the best but look! i got this. so sad.

anybody want to be my supporter? need a backbone to move forward. hey.hey! 
this my later result~~in my dream
do not be suprised.! *amin. hope sangat dapat result se-awesome macam nihh

btw, GOOD LUCK everyone. may get excellent result. avoid to study at the last minute! sama.sama doakan kejayaan. tawakal walau apa pun terjadi. cuba tingkatkan lagi usaha.

thats my feeling when waited for the result.argh!!!

1 month,4 weeks,28days
i can do it! go sayha.
#tak nak main layang-layang

albert enstein genious.
wanna be like him.

take asmile and relax for a minute.
eating kit-kat.

never forget. my entry must have 1D
because im a directioner with direction infection
see!. liam payne laughing.
heart to you.
#love yahh


Blogger ain'syaa said...

1996 yew ??amik aliran apa ?

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